Class PersonMagdaRequest

Direct Known Subclasses:
GeefAanslagbiljetPersonenbelastingRequest, GeefBewijsRequest, GeefPasfotoRequest, GeefPersoonRequest, GeefSociaalStatuutRequest, RegistreerInschrijvingRequest, RegistreerUitschrijvingRequest

public abstract class PersonMagdaRequest extends MagdaRequest
A request that pertains to a person, identified by INSZ number. Adds the following fields to the MagdaRequest:
  • insz: the INSZ number of the party about which the information is requested
  • Constructor Details

    • PersonMagdaRequest

      protected PersonMagdaRequest(@NotNull @NotNull INSZNumber insz, @NotNull @NotNull String registration)
  • Method Details