Class MagdaRegistrationInfo


public class MagdaRegistrationInfo extends Object
Information on in name of which party a MAGDA request is to be sent. This comprises an identification string (an arbitrary string value that's determined in agreement with the MAGDA service host), and a so-called "Hoedanigheidscode", which is a legally established code that signifies the type of party. Registration info may be fetched from some MagdaHoedanigheidService based on a registration code. Note that "hoedanigheidscodes" are presently undergoing a process of deprecation in the MAGDA service. MAGDA Mock supports the use of these codes, but as far as it is concerned, they are optional. Whether they should be used or not depends on the MAGDA service.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static MagdaRegistrationInfo.Builder builder()
    • getHoedanigheidscode

      public Optional<String> getHoedanigheidscode()
      This is the 'hoedanigheidcode'. The use of this field is being phased out on the side of MAGDA. It is supported here for compatibility, but it's recommended not to use it if possible.