All Classes and Interfaces

An "Annotatie" field within an UitzonderingEntry.
An interface containing callbacks for events while processing a MAGDA request.
MAGDA has sent a response, but it contains a list of UitzonderingEntry.
A request to a "GeefAanslagBiljet" MAGDA service, which provides tax bills.
A request to a "GeefBewijs" MAGDA service, which provides licenses.
A request to a "GeefPasfoto" MAGDA service, which provides passport photos.
A request to a "GeefPersoon" MAGDA service, which provides personal information.
A request to a "GeefSociaalStatuut" MAGDA service, which provides information on a given social status for an INSZ.
Base class for all request logs.
A DTO to configure a Magdaservice.
A document-level interface for exchanging request documents for response documents.
An exception that occurs while connecting to a MAGDA server.
An interface to send MagdaRequests to MAGDA and receive a MagdaResponses.
A wrapper around a DOM Document with some utility methods to retrieve and manipulate MAGDA XML document data.
An exception thrown when an error occurred while processing a MAGDA XML document, such as parsing failures.
The subset of URIs that are valid as MAGDA endpoint URIs.
An interface that relates service identifiers (service name/version pairs) to the URI of an endpoint that handles requests to the according service.
An interface to provide MagdaRegistrationInfo by resolving a registration code in some way.
A MAGDA request to be logged.
A DTO to configure the MagdaHoedanigheidsService.
Information on in name of which party a MAGDA request is to be sent.
The common part of a request to a MAGDA service.
The contents of a response from a MAGDA service.
An identifier of a specific service provided by MAGDA, which comprises a name and a version.
The MAGDA server has not delivered a (valid) response.
A request that pertains to a person, identified by INSZ number.
A request to a "RegistreerInschrijving" (specifically version 02.01) MAGDA service, which files registrations.
A request to a "RegistreerInschrijving" MAGDA service, which files registrations.
A request to a "RegistreerUitschrijving" MAGDA service, which files deregistrations.
An exception that occurs in a communication with a MAGDA server.
An implementation of MagdaEndpoints that maps service identifiers (service name/version pairs) to MagdaEndpoints.
A request that pertains to any sort of subject.
The type of subject to register into MAGDA (a person or an enterprise)
MAGDA has sent a response.
An exception thrown when a response contained an Uitzonderingen section.
An "Uitzondering" entry within an "Uitzonderingen" section in a MAGDA response.
The type of the "Uitzondering" entry.
MAGDA sent no response, communication error or timeout.
Not authorized to perform this request