Ingest Members With HTTP

An Event Stream without its members is nothing. Therefore, new members can be ingested via a POST HTTP Endpoint. This endpoint follows the following pattern: {ldes server hostname}/{event-stream}.

Note that this event stream should already be configured. (Read Configuring a Event Stream for more details)

Accepted formats

The LDES Server accepts every RDF type supported by Apache JENA. When sending the RDF data, make sure this is specified in the Content-Type header. The most common types to use are application/n-quads, text/turtle and application/ld+json.

For more details, please refer to the Swagger API under the base definition.

Version objects, state objects and version creation

Currently, an event stream can ingest version objects by default. A version object describes the state of a specific version of a resource at a specific timestamp.

However, an event stream can be configured in such a way that it can ingest state objects. Once the event stream and its fragments are retrieved, the members will be presented as version objects. A state object describes the latest state of a resource. When such an object is ingested, the server stores the RDF model as is, the timestamp of ingestion and determines the subject of that member.

When the members of such an event stream are fetched, the stored RDF model is enriched with the version object properties, which includes:

  • the named subject node, which is the versionOf, will be replaced with the member id, which has the following structure: {versionOf}{versionDelimiter}{timestamp}. By default, the versionDelimiter is /, but this can be configured with any string, which then results in the following structure for the named subject node: {versionOf}/{timestamp}.
  • the following statements will be added:
    • <{memberId}> <{timestamp-path-of-the-ldes}> "{timestamp}""^^<>
    • <{memberId}> <{version-of-path-of-the-ldes}> <versionOf>

Bulk ingestion

When the event stream is configured to ingest state objects, a fun side effect is enabled, namely bulk ingest. This is a result of the extraction algorithm used to extract all the state objects out of the ingested RDF model. This algorithm searches for all the named subject nodes and then searches for all the nested statements that are related to each named subject. All the statements of each subject and its nested statements will be put together in an RDF model resulting in one or many members.

CAUTION: when the ingestion fails for one of the members, e.g. due to a validation violation, the ingestion for all the members will fail and none of them will be stored.

Member Conformity

Every member should conform to certain conditions, depending on the event stream on which they are ingested.

Named nodes

Every named node is viewed as a member. Having a named node that is not intended as a member to be ingested on the collection can lead to several validation errors. Most commonly this will lead to a validation error stating the timestamp path and version-of path are missing, depending on the data itself.

If by chance it conforms to the all following validation, it will be treated as any normal member. To prevent such cases, additional shacl validation can be configured on the event stream.

Named Graphs

Named graphs are not supported. When a named graph is present, the model is rejected.

Shared or Loose Blank Nodes

All blank nodes should be referenced by exactly 1 other subject. When a blank node is present that is not the object of a statement or the object of 2 or more statements with different subjects, the ingested model is rejected.

This also means that the root node of every member should be a named node.

It is still possible for a single subject to reference the same blank node multiple times.

Timestamp and Version Of Path

Every event stream defines the property where the timestamp and version of can be found on each member. If the event stream has version creation NOT enabled, these properties should be present on each member. If version creation is enabled, these properties should NOT be present on the members received.

The timestamp defined on the timestamp path should be of the type <>. The timestamp must have this datatype explicitly declared. example: <> <> "1996-03-28T09:58:15.867Z"^^<> .

The object defined on the versionOf path must be a uri. This uri should represent the state object of which the member is a version. ex. <> <> <> .

Bulk Ingestion

Depending on if the event stream has version creation enabled, multiple members can be ingested with a single POST request. Later this will also be possible without version creation. For now, a request will be rejected if multiple named nodes are found which are not referenced by any triple. (Without version creation enabled)

Duplicate Members

When a member is ingested normally, it is saved in the server and a 201 ACCEPTED status is returned. Sometimes a member with the same ID as an existing member can be send to the ingest endpoint. In this case, the second member will be ignored, a warning will be logged and a 200 OK status will be returned.