Repository Materialiser


The repository materialiser is used to materialise an LDES stream into a triplestore. Any triplestore that supports the RDF4J remote repository API can be used.


Property Description Required Default Example Supported values
sparql-host The url of the server hosting the repository Yes N/A http://repositoryServer URL
repository-id The rdf4j repository id Yes N/A repoId String
named-graph If set, the triples will be written to this named graph No N/A http://name Any valid IRI
batch-size Number of members or models that will be committed at once No 500 500 Integer
batch-timeout If the batch size has not been reached within this number of milliseconds, the members will be committed anyway. No 120000 30000 Integer


To increase the performance of this materialiser, members will be committed in batch to the triple store. However, it’s important to notice that this can have an impact on the data integrity. First of all, there could be a delay, with a maximum delay of the configured batch timeout, when the triple store will be up-to-date. Secondly, if something goes wrong halfway of a batch, all the members in that batch will not be committed to triple story and thus will be gone.

So the more important data integrity is, the lower the batch-size and batch-timeout should be configured. If a more performant repository materialiser is desired, batch-size and batch-timeout should be configured somewhat higher.