Ldes Client Connector

LDIO connector name: Ldio:LdioLdesClientConnector see reference guide
Apache Nifi Component Name: Ldio:LdioLdesClientConnector` see reference guide

This component adds EDC (Eclipse dataspace Connector) support to the ldio ldes client.

If you’d like to know how to configure the LDES Client, we refer to the ldio ldes client. The additional functionality provided by this component makes it possible to use the Ldes Client to consume an LDES through an EDC connector. This component exposes two endpoints:

  1. http://://transfer The Ldio component will start the data transfer with the connector. You have to send the transfer request to the LdioLdesClientConnector instead of the EDC consumer connector. The LDIO Ldes Client Connector will start the transfer with the connector and also keep the transfer alive while consuming the LDES (e.g. request a new token when it expires).
  2. http://://token This endpoint should never be called directly. This is the callback to be provided in the transfer request. The EDC connector will use this callback endpoint to provide the LDES Client with a token.
