LDIO NGSIv2 To LD Adapter


This adapter will transform a NGSI V2 input into NGSI LD.

Jackson is used to first deserialize the input to java objects which can then be serialized to the LD format.


The algorithm applies several deviations from the standard formats. These deviations are:

  1. The observedAt attribute is added to every property, its value is determined by the dateObserved attribute of the input.
  2. The timestamp attribute of a metadata property normally determines the observedAt property but is ignored in this algorithm.


Property Description Required Default Example Supported values
core-context URI of a core json-ld context. Yes N/A http://example.com/my-api HTTP and HTTPS urls
ld-context URI of a custom json-ld context. No N/A http://example.com/my-api HTTP and HTTPS urls
data-identifier Identifier that points to data in provided json. Yes N/A data String