LDIO Http Enricher
A transformer which allows to send a GET or POST HTTP request to a dynamic URL provided by the model. The response is converted to linked data and added to the incoming model.
Property | Description | Required | Default | Supported values | Example |
adapter.name | This transformer requires an ldio-adapter to convert the responses to linked data. | Yes | N/A | Paths of supported LDIO Adapters | Ldio:RdfAdapter |
adapter.config.xxx | Optional config that may be required by the adapter | No | N/A | Paths of supported LDIO Adapters | Ldio:RdfAdapter |
url-property-path | Path defining the url that needs to be selected on the model for the http request. | Yes | N/A | Valid property paths | http://example.org/url |
header-property-path | Path defining the headers that needs to be selected on the model for the http request. | No | N/A | Valid property paths | http://example.org/header |
body-property-path | Path defining the body that needs to be selected on the model to be added when a POST http request is used. | No | N/A | Valid property paths | http://example.org/meta/http://example.org/body |
http-method-property-path | Path defining the http method that needs to be selected on the model for the http request. | No | GET | GET or POST | GET |
LDIO Http Requester properties
Authentication properties
Property | Description | Required | Default | Supported values | Example |
auth.type | The type of authentication required by the LDES server | No | NO_AUTH | NO_AUTH, API_KEY or OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS | OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS |
auth.api-key | The api key when using auth.type ‘API_KEY’ | No | N/A | String | myKey |
auth.api-key-header | The header for the api key when using auth.type ‘API_KEY’ | No | X-API-KEY | String | X-API-KEY |
auth.client-id | The client identifier when using auth.type ‘OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS’ | No | N/A | String | myId |
auth.client-secret | The client secret when using auth.type ‘OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS’ | No | N/A | String | mySecret |
auth.token-endpoint | The token endpoint when using auth.type ‘OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS’ | No | N/A | HTTP and HTTPS urls | http://localhost:8000/token |
auth.scope | The Oauth2 scope when using auth.type ‘OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS’ | No | N/A | HTTP and HTTPS urls | http://localhost:8000/token |
Retry properties
Property | Description | Required | Default | Supported values | Example |
retries.enabled | Indicates if the http client should retry http requests when the server cannot be reached. | No | true | Boolean value | true |
retries.max | Max number of retries the http client should do when retries.enabled = true | No | 5 | Integer | 100 |
retries.statuses-to-retry | Custom comma seperated list of http status codes that can trigger a retry in the http client. | No | N/A | Comma seperated list of Integers | 410,451 |
When retries are enabled, the following statuses are always retried, regardless of the configured statuses-to-retry:
- 429
- 5xx (500 and above)
Rate limit properties
Property | Description | Required | Default | Supported values | Example |
rate-limit.enabled | Indicates if the http client should limit http requests when calling the server. | No | false | true or false | false |
rate-limit.limit | Limit of requests per period, which is defined below, that the http client should do when rate-limit.enabled = true | No | 500 | Integer | 100 |
rate-limit.period | Period in which the limit of requests, which is defined above, can be reached by the http client when rate-limit.enabled = true | No | PT1M | ISO 8601 Duration | PT1H |
Http headers
Property | Description | Required | Default | Supported values | Example |
http.headers.[].key/value | A list of custom http headers can be added. A key and value has to be provided for every header. | No | N/A | String | role |
Example Http Requester config
- key: role
value: developer
- key: alt-role
value: programmer
type: API_KEY
api-key: my-secret
api-key-header: x-api-key
enabled: true
max: 10
statuses-to-retry: 410,451
enabled: true
period: P1D
limit: 1000
Note that all adapters are supported. When the adapter requires additional config, this can be added as seen below in the example.
This example contains a JsonToLdAdapter which needs “core-context” as config. At the bottom there is also “auth” config provided for the request executor.
- name: Ldio:HttpEnricher
name: Ldio:JsonToLdAdapter
core-context: file:///ldio/jsonld/observation.jsonld
url-property-path: <http://example.org/url>
header-property-path: <http://example.org/meta>/<http://example.org/headers>
body-property-path: <http://example.org/meta>/<http://example.org/body>
http-method-property-path: <http://example.org/meta>/<http://example.org/method>
type: API_KEY
api-key: my-secret
api-key-header: x-api-key